Canadian Organic Growers

Manitoba Organic Alliance - MOA operates as the umbrella group for organics in Manitoba, as well as Manitoba’s representative body on the Organic Federation of Canada Board of Directors. MOA’s focus is on the organic standards and regulations and promoting the benefits of Certified Organic. 

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada - The Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada (OACC) conducts organic farming research and provides knowledge transfer and extension services for organic farmers.


Organic Trade AssociationYour source for the latest information on "Canada Organic

Background Info about Farmers for Climate Solutions Feb 6 2020

Farmers for Climate Solutions is is calling for major changes that could transform their industry from a major polluter to a solution in the fight against climate change. It's possible, experts say, but it likely won't be easy. Check out this CBC newstory. How Canadian farmers can go from climate change polluters to a key part of the solution