Bronze Sponsors

  • Doug and Kate Storey

    Poplar Glen is a small family farm nestled in the beautiful valley between the Duck Mountains and Riding Mountain National Park in northwestern Manitoba, Canada. We produce and sell grassfed beef, eggs from free-range chickens and grains including wheat and flax. All our products are certified organic. Our products can be picked up at the farm or we make monthly food delivery trips into Winnipeg. Orders and delivery can be arranged by phone or email.”

    Poplar Glen Organic Farm
    Doug and Kathy Storey,
    RR 1, Grandview,
    MB R0L 0Y0.

    (204) 546-2099

Background Info about Farmers for Climate Solutions Feb 6 2020

Farmers for Climate Solutions is is calling for major changes that could transform their industry from a major polluter to a solution in the fight against climate change. It's possible, experts say, but it likely won't be easy. Check out this CBC newstory. How Canadian farmers can go from climate change polluters to a key part of the solution