Mentors are food producers, processors, business owners and others who feel they:

  • have something to teach,
  • are good teachers, and
  • have the desire to work along-side an energetic learner – while remaining open to being taught by the learner.


Farmers who are attracted to this program use or are transitioning to organic or environmentally sustainable farming techniques, tend to be managing smaller-than-average prairie farms and are focussing on local or regional markets.  We believe growers who have fashioned viable farms, market gardens, and rural lifestyles have much to share and play an extremely important role in farmer training.

Please read the following documents before deciding whether or not mentoring a new or aspiring farmer is for you: 

MFM Lexicon - some of the terms you will need to fill in the Mentor Questionnaire 

Information Sheet for Mentors – Outlines the requirements of MFM mentor farmers

Screening Questions for mentors to use with potential interns – Possible questions to use when interviewing potential interns.

MFM Intern Questionnaire
– This is the questionnaire interns have to fill out in order to get the mentor listing. It is here for your info only. 

MFM Trainee Questionnaire - This is the questionnaire trainees have to fill out in order to get the mentor listing. It is here for your info only.

Useful outside resources: 

Mentor Self-Evaluation Questionnaire
– A useful resource from the New England Small Farms Institute (NESFI) for farmers considering mentoring or for privately evaluating your existing on-farm mentorship activities

New England Small Farms Institute Mentor Worksheet #1
– Motivations for becoming an on-farm mentor from NESFI

New England Small Farm Institute Mentor Worksheet #3 – Prior teaching experience from NESFI

Now you're ready to consider mentoring!

Online MFM Mentor Questionnaire - After having read the documents above and if you feel confident you are a match for our programme, please feel free to fill in our online questionnaire. If you have questions or would like to talk to our Training and Resources Coordinator, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or cal 204.239.7170.  


<< Mentorship overview

<< Become an Intern

<< Become a Trainee

Background Info about Farmers for Climate Solutions Feb 6 2020

Farmers for Climate Solutions is is calling for major changes that could transform their industry from a major polluter to a solution in the fight against climate change. It's possible, experts say, but it likely won't be easy. Check out this CBC newstory. How Canadian farmers can go from climate change polluters to a key part of the solution