Organic Food Council of Manitoba’s Down to Earth Guide - An 84 page printed or electronic (PDF) booklet that includes a listing, profiles, and advertisements about local organic and sustainable producers, retailers, and service providers, along with articles, stories, and information about the organic movement in Manitoba and organics in general.

100 Mile Manitoba – A group of Manitobans who care about food: the distance our food travels from field to table; the energy used in growing and processing this food; the conditions under which it was grown; and the well-being of those who grew and processed it.

Farmers’ Markets Association of Manitoba - cooperative of farmers and producers that work to promote the success, development and benefits of farmers’ markets for vendors, consumers and their local communities.

Food Matters Manitoba (home of the Manitoba Food Charter) - a central site that allows people from across Manitoba who are working towards greater food security to connect, communicate, showcase their projects, and share resources.

Harvest Moon Local Food Initiative - The HMLFI is a group of 10 farm families and 2 family-owned meat shops located in the Pembina Valley who believe: in healthy land and healthy communities; that everyone should have access to local, tasty and healthy farm fresh food; farmers should be paid a fair price for growing this food; in a more small-scale, sustainable and fair food system that better serves the interests of the land, our families and local communities; and that we all have an important role to play in order to make this happen.

Manitoba Agriculture, Food, and Rural Initiatives Guide to Farmers’ Markets, U-Picks, Market Gardens, and Roadside Stands

Background Info about Farmers for Climate Solutions Feb 6 2020

Farmers for Climate Solutions is is calling for major changes that could transform their industry from a major polluter to a solution in the fight against climate change. It's possible, experts say, but it likely won't be easy. Check out this CBC newstory. How Canadian farmers can go from climate change polluters to a key part of the solution